
Remove, replace, or insert a part of a String, Number, or Array.



  • Mixed subject - The entity to splice.
    • String - The portion of the String specified by the start and length parameters will be removed, if applicable.
    • Number - The Number will be treated as a String.
    • Array - The sequence of items in the Array specified by the start and length parameters will be removed, if applicable. Numeric keys will be re-ordered.
  • Number start - The position to start splicing at. If start is non-negative, the position will be calculated from the beginning of subject, otherwise it will be calculated from the end.
  • Number length - The number of elements (characters in a String, or items in an Array) to remove. If omitted, everything from start to the end of subject will be removed. If non-negative, the sequence will contain that many elements, otherwise if negative, the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of subject.
  • Mixed newpart - The data supplied will be inserted into subject at position start, after optionally removing elements as specified by length.
    • String - If subject is an Array, the String will be inserted as a single item.
    • Number - The Number will be treated as a String.
    • Array - The items in newpart will be inserted. Array keys will not be preserved.


  • Mixed - The modified subject.
    • String - If subject is a String or Number.
    • Array - If subject is an Array.

Removes a sequence from subject, defined by start and length. If length is 0, nothing is removed. Any data in newpart is then inserted at start. If length is 0 then this is essentially an insertion, otherwise it is a replacement. The resulting subject is then returned.

If data is being removed, and needs to be retained, slice() should be used first.

Common uses, and equivalents in other languages
Description Example code Equivalent
Add one item to the end of an Array splice(subject, length(subject), 0, a) push
Add one item to the end of an Array splice(subject, length(subject), 0, @a) push
Add one item to the end of an Array splice(subject, length(subject), 0, [a]) push
Add more than one item to the end of an Array splice(subject, length(subject), 0, [a, b, c]) push
Remove one item from the end of an Array splice(subject, -1) pop
Add one item to the start of an Array splice(subject, 0, 0, a) unshift
Add one item to the start of an Array splice(subject, 0, 0, @a) unshift
Add one item to the start of an Array splice(subject, 0, 0, [a]) unshift
Add more than one item to the start of an Array splice(subject, 0, 0, [a, b, c]) unshift
Remove one item from the start of an Array splice(subject, 0, 1) shift

Alternatives to using splice()
Example code Alternative code
splice(subject, length(subject), 0, a) subject[] = a
splice(subject, x, 1, a) subject[x] = a
splice(subject, x, 1, @a) subject[x] = a
splice(subject, x, 1, [a]) subject[x] = a
splice(subject, x, 1) destroy subject[x]

Note that in the tables above, the returned value from splice() is not equivalent to the returned value from similar functions in other languages. The tables focus on the effect the methods have on subject. splice() will always return the modified subject, and not any items that may have been removed.

ptpscript/functions/splice.txt · Last modified: 2007/01/24 10:15
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