
A Boolean expresses a "truth" value, and can therefore be true or false. true and false are Constants, so can be used in expressions.

For example:

{ a = true }
{ b = false }
{ if a }
{ endif }
{ if a == true }
{ endif }
{ if a === true }
{ endif }

Note that in the example above, each If statement checks for the "truthfulness" of variable a, but the final statement (if a === true) also checks that a is explicitly boolean. That is because non-explicit statements perform a conversion to Boolean before making the comparison.

Converting to Boolean

To explicitly convert a value to Boolean, the Boolean typecast operator - ? - should be used. Some operators, such as the boolean logic NOT operator - ! or not - also explictly convert a value to Boolean.

When converting to Boolean, the following values are considered to be false:

Every other value is considered to be true.

The number -1 is considered to be true, just like any other non-zero number.