Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators perform basic arithmetic operations on the terms specified. There are different arithmetic operations available for each type of value.

Symbol Type Name Description Example
+ Infix Addition Adds the right term to the left term to give the sum a + b
- Infix Subtraction Takes the right term away from the left term to give the difference a - b
* Infix Multiplication Multiplies the left term by the right term to give the product a * b
/ Infix Division Divides the left term by the right term to give the quotient a / b
% Infix Modulus Divides the left term by the right term and gives the remainder a % b
** Infix Exponentiation Raises the left term to the power specified by the right term a ** b
~ Infix Concatenation Joins the right term to the end of the left term a ~ b
~* Infix Repetition Repeats the left term by the number specified by the right term a ~* b
@ Infix Merge Joins the right term to the end of the left term a @ b
@* Infix Repetition Repeats the left term by the number specified by the right term a @* b

Each Operator will evaluate the terms provided as appropriate to the Operator value type - for instance, performing a numerical addition on two Strings will convert the Strings to Numbers first.