======lastword====== Get the last //n// words from a [[PTPScript:Types:String|String]]. \\ **Syntax** * ''[[PTPScript:Types:String|String]] lastword( [[PTPScript:Types:String|String]] subject [, [[PTPScript:Types:Number|Number]] limit ] )'' \\ **Parameters** * [[PTPScript:Types:String|String]] ''subject'' - The String to extract from. * [[PTPScript:Types:Number|Number]] ''limit'' - A maximum of ''limit'' words will be extracted from the ''subject'' string. \\ **Result** * [[PTPScript:Types:String|String]] - The words extracted from ''subject''. Returns a String produced by extracting ''limit'' words from ''subject''. A "word" is considered to be a sequence of letters or numbers, including international characters. Whitespace and punctuation characters split the words up, but will not increase the word count.