======Show Command====== The ''Show'' and ''Hide'' commands allow areas of text to be marked as data, and therefore ignored by the PTP engine. These areas can contain PTPScript code, [[PTPScript:Basic Syntax:Placeholders|Placeholder]] symbols, etc. without being processed as PTPScript code. For instance, one use would be to mark an area of CSS or JavaScript in a webpage, so that the PTP engine would not try to evaluate it. There are two commands in the ''Show'' family - ''Show'' and ''Hide''. Each consists of the command followed by a set of characters that will be used to signal the end of the data sequence. These characters can be any characters except curly braces - ''{ }'' - as these are used to denote PTP placeholders. ''Show'' will show the data as-is, and ''Hide'' will hide the data - effectively a very flexible multi-line comment. For example: { show !!!END_OF_DATA!!! } // Handy JavaScript function to pad numbers function pad(number, places) { if (number.toString().length > places) { return number.toPrecision(places); } else { var str = number.toString(); while (str.length < places) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } } !!!END_OF_DATA!!! // Handy JavaScript function to pad numbers function pad(number, places) { if (number.toString().length > places) { return number.toPrecision(places); } else { var str = number.toString(); while (str.length < places) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } } In the example above, a section of JavaScript code is marked as a data sequence, and is correspondingly left as-is by the PTP engine, and added to the output. { hide !!!END_OF_DATA!!! } // Handy JavaScript function to pad numbers function pad(number, places) { if (number.toString().length > places) { return number.toPrecision(places); } else { var str = number.toString(); while (str.length < places) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } } !!!END_OF_DATA!!! In this contrasting example, the same data sequence is totally removed - it is not processed, and is also not shown. ''Show'' and ''Hide'' commands can appear within other command structures, but cannot be nested within other ''Show'' and ''Hide'' sequences.